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Wise Heart Nutrition Blog:

All Things Anti-Diet, Intuitive Eating, and ADHD

How Do I Know if I’m Actually HUNGRY🍕, or Just Seeking DOPAMINE🧠?


This is the new-age old question. 


Here are some of the questions we frequently get asked by clients and members of our Eating with ADHD® Neurished community:


“Shouldn’t I just KNOW when I’m hungry?”

“Why can’t I tell the difference between hunger and seeking dopamine?” 

“Isn’t it ‘bad’ to use food for a dopamine hit, if I am not hungry?”  


Does some of this brain chatter sound familiar to you? Want some answers? Read on!!


Bringing awareness to, interpreting, and responding to our internal cues (which include both hunger and a need for dopamine) takes time and practice to learn and feel comfortable with, especially for those of us living with ADHD. 


ADHD Brains are Different  

As neurodivergent humans, we tend to have…

  •  Lower Interoceptive Awareness 

    • Difficulty recognizing and understanding...
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